Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Line Up

Last week Aaron realized I did not know the names of every machine on site and decided it was his responsibility to teach me. Therefore, at the end of the day when most of the crews had headed home, Aaron took me outside and taught me about all the machines. Not just the names, but we also looked in the engines and purposes and different ways they could be used. If I can remember all of it has yet to be seen, but it was all still pretty sweet!

The Show Stopper!

Recently half of our flow (the south side) went from 400 gpm to 60 gpm. We were in a bit of panic, trying to figure out what was wrong with our dewatering pumps. We even rewired the entire south side pumps at which point in time I learned a ton about circuits and breaker boxes. After two weeks we made a couple crucial discoveries. The first was that one pump was burnt out but the rest were fine. The other was that a small rock had gotten stuck in the mazy, a part of the system that sucks in air. As soon as the rock was taken out, the flow rate shot back up! The rock is shown on top of a mazy. On one side we wrote "The Show Stopper" and the other side says "The Party Stopper" in spanish. The rock is stained orange from the oxidized iron in the water.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Tank Farm...(The Dewatering System)

Just When I Thought I Was Done...

I'm now measuring noise levels. So now I've done noise, air, dust and water...What's next?!

Pulling a Dewatering Up Out of The Ground...

The Flowers! They TALK!!!

A lady's society has done some pretty insane needlework on the site fences. There are flowers everywhere! I'm walking past the fence on the way to the bridge and all the sudden I hear, right beside me, "Well hello there! I like your shoes. It's a beautiful day!" I completely jump out of my skin. Scares the mess out of me. At first I thought I was just hearing things, but then observed other people jumping too. I walk around the fence into the site and see speakers. Yep, the flowers do talk!