Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Flowers! They TALK!!!

A lady's society has done some pretty insane needlework on the site fences. There are flowers everywhere! I'm walking past the fence on the way to the bridge and all the sudden I hear, right beside me, "Well hello there! I like your shoes. It's a beautiful day!" I completely jump out of my skin. Scares the mess out of me. At first I thought I was just hearing things, but then observed other people jumping too. I walk around the fence into the site and see speakers. Yep, the flowers do talk!


  1. That is a hoot and you described it so well! Guess it all is coming to an end, but what a summer you have had! See you soon. Love you, The Seniors

  2. I knew they couldn't be real because NO ONE would say they like your shoes! You were wearing the $4 work boots from Wal-Mart, right?!!
