Thursday, July 29, 2010

Meet the Crew!

These are some of the awesome guys I work with on a daily basis. These are only the ones who happened to be eating lunch with me between the carbon filters. We'll start on the right. That's Joel. I don't know him too well because he's been on night crew most of the time I've been with Kiewit. I do know it's a nice guy with a sense of humor who makes it a point to say good morning every day. Juan is next to Joel. He gets wet, a lot. Juan works around the bag filters and hoses. He has full rain gear so when something like the fire hydrant explodes (which has happened), he can fix it. And yet, somehow, Juan is always smiling. Next to Juan is John, the dewatering foreman. John is very quiet, methodical and good at getting everything done. Once you get to know him better though, a funny side comes out. Next to John is Aaron (dude with all the stickers on his hat). That's my boss and probably the hardest working person on the site. Sitting in the center is the man we call Benjie. He's just crazy! Everyone brings fresh jalapenos to work and give them to Benjie at lunch. He eats them raw like they are candy. Doesn't even break a sweat. Totally crazy. Not shown here are Kyle, Austin or the other Juan. I'll snatch pictures of them later.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, "lunch between the carbon filters"... how I've longed for a setting like that. Hey, maybe there is a new LoDo restaurant idea in that.
